Friday, February 6, 2009

6 Happy Things

I was tagged by my friend Carrie. You are supposed to list 6 things that make you happy. So here it goes.
1- When Kyri looks at me with those big brown eyes and smiles!!!
2- My husband! He loves me no matter what I look like or how much house work I do, or don't do is more like it!
3- Seeing Brandon with Kyri and the cute little bond that they have.
4- Spending time with my family and friends! I love to see them!
5- Food usually makes me happy!
6- And last but definitely not least, knowing that my family is forever!!

Now you are supposed to link to the person who has tagged you.Write down six things that make you happy.Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it.Then tell the person when your entry is complete.

So I guess I tag Katie, Sheri, Nicole, Nichole, Jannali, Becky, and anyone else that reads my blog and feels like sharing their happy things!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

those are AWESOME happy things :) thanks for participating in the happy tag!
